
“As you can see everyone,” said the reporter,”we have a situation here and it is a very sticky one as well. The biggest light bulb ever smashed on its way to another city.”Well that was last week and now we have ended up being the ones to blame for this mess that another company came to collect the bulb and dropped it on the way to the van. The bulb was very big,colourful with lots of little plastic pieces that scattered from the smash. It was even bigger than two people standing on top of each other.

Grace T.

As you can see we have a situation! Beads are being tested , to find out where they came from. The Policemen are dressed as white as a piece of paper that you would write or draw on.  A shiny light bulb the size of a hot air balloon and it’s glass is shattered on the ground. There are loads of dazzling, shiny multicoloured beads on the gray ground. The problem is, what has happened? One  man  is making a sample  of beads. The other policeman is investigating the scene. That is the problem we have on our hands this evening.


You walk around a lost city with a few people there, and a few people have been hurt from the glass of a strange lamp in the middle of the city. Police start to arrive and check if everybody is okay. Then, all of a sudden loads of beads fell out. A giant walked out with bruised, scratched legs.



Today a huge lightbulb appeared at Wicksteed Park. It then exploded,releasing a massive glass bottle and coloured beads. Police are investigating. We interviewed Mrs Candcort who was there when it appeared. “I had only gone to the park so my son could have some exercise,”she says. “Then this lightbulb appeared, and bashed against the swings. The glass cracked and flew everywhere.” Luckily no one was hurt in this event but a lot of people were checked for injuries and were found fine but were shocked. Police will ivestigate more thouroughly and carefully.


There has been a catastrophic situation  in the UK. An enormous  lightbulb that contained lots and lots of  plastic beads and shimmering pieces of foam.  We have got the best team of investigators, working day and night on the scene to solve the case. The weather is scorching hot, with temperatures soaring in the midday sun.  The materials found in the light bulb are poisonous so the investigators need to wear protective suits to protect their skin and eyes.  

We will keep working on the case to solve the mystery to see if there is any living diseases or floods.


In an empty car park a colossal light bulb tumbled over, but nobody knows who did it. As soon as the police heard of the catastrophe they were on the case. When the police got to the clear car park they saw the huge light bulb with a lot of, rainbow coloured beads lying around on the hard ground. The police were wondering how they were going to move the beads, and the huge shattered light bulb to the police station. But standing there you could see a sea of rainbow different coloured beads scattered in the fragments of glass.


One day a lovely man went to work he was a police officer.He was extremely bored some days because he had nothing to do.Excited,he thought it’s going to be a good day.Did you know he lives in a tiny light bulb? No one ever cared for the light bulb. All that changed one day when there was a life changing explosion.The joyful man now had a tricky case to solve. What happened? Who made this horrible mess of sharp glass, shiny colourful beads and glittery confetti? He couldn’t wait to find out.

To be continued….


As you can see we have a situation! For a start there’s a shattered light bulb,beads everywhere with  mini policeman investigating why that has happened. In a mini village in the back of someone’s garden. It looks like there’s been a wreckage in the garden, maybe the humans / giants to them, have smashed the light bulb and thrown all the different beads every or they tried  to make a lovely,colourful art scene. But the little police might think that the humans/giants have smashed everything because there both enemies.So whose side are you on.THE END


Bob asked Fred a joke ……….

“What did one traffic light say to another?”

“I dunno” said Fred.

“Don’t look I’m changing!”

Fred is not impressed, “ Bob, this is serious , we have just fallen out of the light, it’s no time for jokes!”

Fred and Bob are frightened of the other People.

“I’m scared “ said the two men

The men reconstruct the light and boom it’s finished.

Fred and bob lived happily ever after.


One day last week, Mr light bulb had been murdered the police seemed so tired due to them working so hard for the last three days it had been non stop. One of the policemen said “we have a situation here, the death of Mr light bulb was so upsetting his family had been told and they were very sad.” They have two suspects that they took to the police station for questioning. They blamed each other but detective burger cracked the case they found dna on the beads that belonged to Harry the hotdog he was jailed for life.