
Bob asked Fred a joke ……….

“What did one traffic light say to another?”

“I dunno” said Fred.

“Don’t look I’m changing!”

Fred is not impressed, “ Bob, this is serious , we have just fallen out of the light, it’s no time for jokes!”

Fred and Bob are frightened of the other People.

“I’m scared “ said the two men

The men reconstruct the light and boom it’s finished.

Fred and bob lived happily ever after.

2 thoughts on “Alex

  1. Hi Alex
    Thank you so much for sharing your writing! I really liked your opening. It was a clever way to hook readers because they will want to know the punchline. I can also learn a lot about your characters in a very short time because of the way they react to the problem. Poor Fred really didn’t feel jokes were the right thing to be doing at this time!
    Where had Fred and Bob come from?
    And finally – a joke for you!
    Knock, knock.

    Who’s there?

    Cows go.

    Cows go who?

    No, cows go MOO!
    Keep up the great writing.
    Ms McKenzie (Team100WC)
    Christchurch, NZ

  2. Love the story Alex, the beginning made me laugh and want to read more. It was a clever way to attract my attention. I like the way you brought the characters to life by their reactions, I imagined Fred getting quite irate with Bob for not being serious. Well done!

    A joke back for you……..
    “What do you call an alligator in a vest?”
    “An investigator!”

    Nicky (Team 100)

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