
There was a tall, purple tree in the middle of a crocodile infested forest that the smart professor was inspecting a long , winding log , whilst he was hanging on a tree with the monkeys in fabulous stile.The professor had been studying trees for as well most of his life. He had been studying this particular tree for 5 years now and he still hasn’t  found out this incredible, mind-boggling question that his teacher asked him just before he left college. But one morning he woke up in this great mood and went to hang with the monkeys and found it out.


A thasond years ago there was a purple gobbling and he had a twist to his life he was born purple where as evrey one else was green.Evrey day he had to go to professor Blue Show and he would give him peases of crocodiel to keep him well.He alwayes found life difficelt and hopelles.He hated life but gobblings live for one thousend years some times they live for  two thousend years if they have big ears but that is a bit weard to be onised.Evrrey gobbling lives in gobblin mania which is alwayes sunney evrey sigel day in gobblinmania.


Professor Purple Crocodile studied his work. He had made a new potion. The potion would make any form smaller. He was excited with his success and with the news that The Twisted Brainiac was coming to see his work in 1 minute. There was a knock on the door. The Brainiac was here! He came in and the professor realised that the form of the Brainiac was a twisted mess. In his confusion the professor knocked over the potion and it went all over him! He realised that he had to grow again. This was going to be very, very difficult…


I’m a professor in crocodiles.I’ve just had a call about a purple one. I’m so bewildered.I’ve just walked in on it.It’s so difficult to find out what’s wrong.It’s just twisted over. “OH WOW…. what is that red creature!” Crocodiles eat them.”Do you know your primary colours?”I said to the people  around me .”I KNOW the crocodile is ordinary then it eats those blue berries and turns blue,then eats that red bird and turns purple.” Then the whole plan started and 29 people worked on day and night for 6 days until HURRAY I was correct about everything, and now I’mthe boss!


Our new class looks different since we last visited we even have a new Professer.  The topic that we are learning about first is “Crocodiles – and how they survive”.  The decorative purple posters shows how many bones  a crocodile should have in their skeletons.   An x-ray slide shows that the tail bone of Harry the crocodile is twisted like an old piece of rope, this makes it very difficult to swim in a dirty swampy lake. We are all going to be doing a sponsored swim to raise money to help Harry swim again and to live a wonderful life.


One day professor purple crocodile his real name is Daniel was sitting in his lab he was very board . He was very upset because he twisted his ankle and it is very difficult to walk on it . He had nobody to sit with he was very sad.It was time for Daniel to go to bed he was very tired and very sleepy.In the night there was a loud noise the loud noise woke up Daniel.There was a gigantic hole in his garden there were two green headed men standing in the garden they looked like watermelons they were called Willow and Phoebe.


Once upon a time, lived a man called Meep. Meep was a twist because he was from planet professor crocodile. I a mysteries  girl I  live on Earth with my friend she lives next door to me. There was a little green and blue bird that lives on my back garden tree we call the bird Collin if it is a boy, if it is a girl we will call it scarlet.

Our school uniform is purple with a green tie, we also have to were a orang and white cape. It is really difficult  not to bring cards in……..

Grace B.

A long time ago there was a mad  professor who was doing a experiment on a savage crocodile.The professor lived in a humungous cave in an un known desert.The professor was lonely and had no friends or family.When he was born he had a condition which mad him crazy so that is why he is called the mad professor.So anyway he loved doing experiments  on anything and he didn’t care if they were difficult or not.One day he was getting a bit bored  and he strangely wanted to go outside. The first thing he saw was a old twisted tree.


Once upon a time there there lived a purple crocodile there was also a professor who was trying his favourite animal the purple crocodile witch was very difficult to find . One night outside was a twisted tornado witch killed the purple crocodile in the so there was only one purple crocodile left in the whole entire world so Dicky the purple crocodile has to be careful about itself. So the last purple crocodile stands in the Jungle in Ibitha. The scientist was in the Jungle in Ibitha he finds the purple crocodile and snap he took a picture The End








Professor Simon went to the biggest zoo ever and strangely the enter sign is purple with really difficult words so when every one went in it was so tricky to get to the crocodile section because the paths were really twisted. The professor finally found the crocodile area and done a teeth check to see the mouth for rot or holes in teeth. Sadly this crocodile has several holes and Rott so the need to do some surgery on there teeth to fix them.