
December 1945


“It’s over,” reports Grace. “It’s finally over. To celebrate the end of World War II, a statue has been built. All of the people that saved our country but sadly passed away have been buried underneath the masterpiece. Surviving heroes have gone to the famous palace and received many medals, including the VC (Victoria Cross). The statue of the gun has been tied in a steel knot. This means that it can’t shoot any bullets.To visit the statue and find out more about it go to the gates of Buckingham Palace, where it will be on your right.”


One day I was siting in my garden , when I heard the loudest scream that I had ever heard.It came from a small boy who lived across the street.  I knew this because I recognised his shrill voice. I wondered why he was screaming, so I went to investigate. Turned out that that very day was the worst day of my life ! A boy had been taken into space and the only thing that he had left behind was a mug that had been given to him by his great, great Grandad. Sadly, nobody ever  saw that little boy again…

The Magic Ballet Shoes

There was once a boy named Zoom who owned a pair of magic ballet shoes. Whenever he wore them he could run so fast that he looked like a small tornado!                                                                                                                                      One day Zoom was told he had to compete in a running race. He had to run around a small island next to Australia called Zwomp. He was very exited. When it was  6:00 he decided that he should go to sleep early for the next few days, so he did.                                                                                                                                                                                 That same night a girl who was in the race came up to Zoom’s house and knocked on the door. Zoom woke up and opened the door. As quick as a flash, the girl hid behind a bush and through a rock into the road. Zoom went to  pick the rock up  whilst the sneaky girl crept into the house. The girl’s name was Brenda and she was a very fast runner. She was very jealous and wanted to steal the shoes, so Brenda ran silently up the stairs and then went into Zooms bedroom and quickly hid in the wardrobe. When  Zoom came back into his bedroom he got into bed and went to sleep. Brenda snuck out from her hiding place and looked under the bed, there was a box with a lock on it. She took the box and rushed downstairs to look for the key. She looked in all of the draws and all of the cupboards, but she couldn’t find the key. Next she tried looking under the sofa and under the doormat, but still there was no key. After  ten minutes of looking downstairs, Brenda looked upstairs. After five minutes Brenda had found the key, it was on top of the bedroom cupboard! She took it and went downstairs to unlock the box that was on the  table. Brenda took out the shoes and ran out of the door.                                                                                                                                            On the day of  the race, Zoom got up, and had a  nice, healthy breakfast,  a banana and a bowl of cornflakes.  He was already fully dressed except that he didn’t have his shoes on. After he had fished his delicious breakfast he went to the bathroom. The first thing that he noticed was that the door was wide open and then he noticed that the key had vanished, and so had the box! He sprinted down the stairs and then he saw it. The box, the key, the muddy footprints, the open door, but no shoes. Then he realised that he could follow the footprints and find the robber. so he set of in his slippers. Down the sleepy street he went and finally he found the girl. he knocked on the door and shouted in his loudest voice,” GIVE ME BACK MY SHOES!” The one thing Brenda hated was shouting so she obeyed ran off . Next Zoom went to the bustop and put on his shoes. When he got there he run at one hundred miles per hour and one the race.


Float Away

I looked outside. I saw the beautiful sea. Would I ever escape? My log cabin sits at the edge of  the forest. It is very cosy, but very small, I only have a bed and a cooker in it, and my only entertainment is playing hide and seek with sheep ( I always win ). I dream about land and each time I see a shooting star I wish for land, but I have never seen a single human soul at. sea. When I’m cold I have to go outside and find wood so I can make a fire. Me and my sheep friends live in a bottle floating away…


One day Lucy looked out of her window and saw the strangest thing she had seen in her life. It was a monkey on a swing! She raced downstairs, put on her shoes and coat and went outside. Lucy tiptoed to her swing and grabbed the monkey. The monkey was very surprised so he decided to wave his long  arms around desperately calling for help. When Lucy was safely in her bedroom she put the monkey down next to her computer. Lucy Walked out of the room to get a snack. The monkey was furious, so furious that he started to rapidly press the keys. When lucy got back she helplessly dropped the snack her favorite game had been deleted!


Hi, my name is Violet and I’m 2 years old. Me, mummy, daddy and my baby brother, Alfred who is 0 years old, went to Waresly wood yesterday. We set of and in a matter of minutes we were there. First we had a yummy picnic lunch( pumpkin pie) then we started to walk around the leafy wood. After that I played on the slide but then I stopped. I had seen a person in the distance.” Let’s go check it out,” I squeaked. We walked closer to the thing. I was so scared but then I noticed it was only wood!!!!!!



One day Alfred was reading about pirates when suddenly he disappeared into the book. He walked around. He was on a pirate ship! He heard someone shout “LAND AHOY.” Then a thought came to him. He looked down and he was right, he had one leg and a parrot was perched on his shoulder. He had turned into a pirate! When he and his crew had got to the exiting land, Alfred jumped down the wooden ladder. His crew gave him a  map that said X marks the spot. He found some gold,” but where would we hide it all?




Charlotte looked out of her bedroom window. Tomorrow was the 5th of November, Bonfire Night. She always loved to creep out of her bed at night and peep through her patterned curtains. She would see lots of fireworks which were gold, silver, green, white, red, and pink. She would smell the flames of  her neighbours bonfire. Her family celebrated it by going swimming and then they would set of fireworks in the garden. They also had a big family party. Charlotte yawned as she got into her cozy, warm bed. She could not wait for tomorrow, the 5th of November.